Having worked on a variety of projects and utilizing interactive SAP ALV OOPs ideas extensively, I had the idea to compile a document that would provide helpful information to help developers meet most of the design requirements found in interactive ALV reports.
Now let’s begin our topic for today.
Make the Container Reference Object:
Type “ALV_CONT” in the container that appears on the screen.
CREATE OBJECT container_r EXPORTING container_name = 'ALV_CONT' EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
As shown below, create the ALV Grid’s Reference Object:
CREATE OBJECT grid_r EXPORTING i_parent = container_r.
4. Define ALV Layout as below:
gw_layout-cwidth_opt = abap_true. gw_layout-zebra = abap_true. gw_layout-sel_mode = ‘D’.
5. Enter data into the Field Catalog such that it appears as follows:
Regarding Field Editable: 5.1Furthermore, the field (such as ANLKL) that will host the summation must be defined as follows:
lv_pos = lv_pos + 1. “Position number CLEAR wa_fieldcat. wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'. "Company Code wa_fieldcat-col_pos = lv_pos. wa_fieldcat-ref_table = 'T001'. APPEND wa_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
5.1. For Field Editable:
wa_fieldcat-edit = abap_true.
5.2. For the output field “No Display”:
wa_fieldcat-no_out = abap_true. “Check for field display
5.3. To show the field as a checkbox:
wa_fieldcat-checkbox = abap_true.
5.4. For the field that needs customized F4-Help:
wa_fieldcat-f4availabl = abap_true.
5.5. For the field that needs the summary:
wa_fieldcat-do_sum = abap_true.
Furthermore, the field (such as ANLKL) that will host the summation must be defined as follows:
CLEAR li_sort. lst_sort-fieldname = 'ANLKL'. lst_sort-subtot = abap_true. APPEND lst_sort TO li_sort
6. To Limit Features on ALV Display:
lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_check. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude. lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_refresh. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude. lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy_row. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude. lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_delete_row. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude. lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_append_row. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude. lw_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_insert_row. APPEND lw_exclude TO gt_exclude.
7 Add data to the GT_DATA table.
8 To display data, use the set_table_for_first_display function.
CALL METHOD grid_r->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'ZFI_S_PIS' “Structure is_layout = gw_layout it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclude i_save = gc_save_a "A i_default = abap_true CHANGING it_outtab = gt_data[] “Table with ALV data It_sort = li_sort it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
CALL METHOD cl_gui_control=>set_focus EXPORTING control = grid_r.
Data declaration for Reference:
Data: container_r TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, "Container for ALV PIS data grid_r TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, "Grid for ALV PIS data gt_exclude TYPE ui_functions, "Exclude functions from ALV gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "Field catalog for ALV PIS data ref_aplic TYPE REF TO lcl_application_alv, gw_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo. "Layout for PIS
9. If there’s merely a data refresh required:
CALL METHOD grid_r->refresh_table_display
finished = 1
10. When invoking ALV for display, use the following approach to make fields editable:
CALL METHOD grid_r->register_edit_event EXPORTING i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_modified. " enter. "MC_EVT_MODIFIED
In order to verify the modified data in the grid, we must now complete the following tasks:
11.1. Specify the definition and implementation of a class (lcl_application_alv), and specify an event (handle_data_changed) for the data_changed event of the class CL_gui_alv_grid.
CLASS lcl_application_alv DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: handle_data_changed FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING er_data_changed e_onf4_after. ENDCLASS. "lcl_application_alv DEFINITION
11.2. To obtain and alter cell values as follows, invoke the methods get_cell_value and modify_cell in the handle_data_changed method.
LOOP AT er_data_changed->mt_good_cells INTO lw_good. WHEN 'KUNNR'. CALL METHOD er_data_changed->get_cell_value EXPORTING i_row_id = lw_good-row_id i_fieldname = lw_good-fieldname IMPORTING e_value = gv_kunnr. * Get name1 for the kunnr SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM kna1 INTO lw_pis-name1 WHERE kunnr = gv_kunnr . IF sy-subrc = 0. * update name1 in table CALL METHOD er_data_changed->modify_cell EXPORTING i_row_id = lw_good-row_id i_fieldname = 'NAME1' i_value = lv_name1. ELSE. MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Invalid Customer number in row'(027) lw_good-row_id. ENDIF.
12 Now, write the following code before invoking the set_table_for_first_display method:
CREATE OBJECT ref_aplic. SET HANDLER ref_aplic->handle_data_changed FOR grid_r.
After the field catalog data is populated, call the set_frontend_fieldcatalog method to refresh the field catalog settings if the Field Catalog needs to change when different actions are performed for the ALV grid data presentation.
CALL METHOD grid_r->set_frontend_fieldcatalog EXPORTING it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
If the ALV requires that Conditional F4 Help data be entered, for example, because one field’s data requires that another field’s F4-Help data be entered, then take the following actions:
14.1. In order to receive customized F4-help, we must first register the fields as follows before invoking the set_table_for_first_display method:
lw_f4-fieldname = 'ZFI_BRN_LOC'. "IFSC code lw_f4-register = abap_true. lw_f4-getbefore = space. lw_f4-chngeafter = abap_true. INSERT lw_f4 INTO TABLE lt_f4. CLEAR lw_f4. lw_f4-fieldname = 'STGRD'. "Reason for Reversal lw_f4-register = abap_true. lw_f4-getbefore = space. INSERT lw_f4 INTO TABLE lt_f4. CALL METHOD grid_r->register_f4_for_fields EXPORTING it_f4 = lt_f4.
14.2. In class lcl_application_alv, define the method and then implement it.
METHODS: handle_on_f4 FOR EVENT onf4 OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING sender e_fieldname e_fieldvalue es_row_no er_event_data et_bad_cells e_display.
14.3. In class lcl_application_alv implementation, implement the method handle_on_f4.
*------------------------------------------------------------- * Add the custom F4 values for IFSC code *------------------------------------------------------------- IF e_fieldname = 'ZFI_BRN_LOC'. IF gv_flag_inst_type = abap_true. "For chq only * IF gt_data[] IS INITIAL. CLEAR lt_knbk. CLEAR gt_data. READ TABLE gt_pis INTO lw_pis INDEX es_row_no-row_id. IF sy-subrc = 0. SELECT bankl bkref FROM knbk INTO TABLE lt_knbk WHERE kunnr = lw_pis-kunnr. "gv_kunnr. IF sy-subrc = 0. LOOP AT lt_knbk INTO lw_knbk. lw_data-zfi_brn_loc = lw_knbk-bankl. lw_data-zfi_bnk_code = lw_knbk-bkref. APPEND lw_data TO gt_data. CLEAR lw_data. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. * ENDIF. *Call the function module to display the custom F4 values CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'ZFI_BRN_LOC' window_title = 'List of IFSC entries'(026) value_org = gc_val_org TABLES value_tab = gt_data[] return_tab = lt_ret[] EXCEPTIONS parameter_error = 1 no_values_found = 2 OTHERS = 3. * (note: gt_ret[] contains the row id selected by the user from the list of f4 values) IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE lt_ret INTO lw_sel INDEX 1. ASSIGN er_event_data->m_data->* TO <itab>. READ TABLE gt_pis INDEX es_row_no-row_id INTO lw_pis. lw_modi-row_id = es_row_no-row_id. lw_modi-fieldname = 'ZFI_BRN_LOC'. lw_modi-value = lw_sel-fieldval. APPEND lw_modi TO <itab>. READ TABLE gt_data INTO lw_data WITH KEY zfi_brn_loc = lw_modi-value+0(11). IF sy-subrc = 0. lw_modi-row_id = es_row_no-row_id. lw_modi-fieldname = 'ZFI_BNK_CODE'. lw_modi-value = lw_data-zfi_bnk_code. APPEND lw_modi TO <itab>. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. *------------------------------------------------------------- * Add the custom F4 values for Reversal Reason *------------------------------------------------------------- IF e_fieldname = 'STGRD'. CLEAR: lt_t041ct, lt_return. IF gv_uname = gc_depo_userid. "BTDEPO SELECT stgrd txt40 FROM t041ct INTO TABLE lt_t041ct WHERE spras = sy-langu AND stgrd = gc_stgrd_06. IF sy-subrc = 0. * do nothing ENDIF. ELSE. SELECT stgrd txt40 FROM t041ct INTO TABLE lt_t041ct WHERE spras = sy-langu AND stgrd IN (gc_stgrd_06, gc_stgrd_08, gc_stgrd_09, gc_stgrd_10). IF sy-subrc = 0. * do nothing ENDIF. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'STGRD' window_title = 'List of Rev reason entries'(025) value_org = gc_val_org TABLES value_tab = lt_t041ct return_tab = lt_return EXCEPTIONS parameter_error = 1 no_values_found = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE lt_return INTO lw_sel INDEX 1. ASSIGN er_event_data->m_data->* TO <itab>. READ TABLE gt_pis INDEX es_row_no-row_id INTO lw_pis. lw_modi-row_id = es_row_no-row_id. lw_modi-fieldname = 'STGRD'. lw_modi-value = lw_sel-fieldval. APPEND lw_modi TO <itab>. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. er_event_data->m_event_handled = abap_true. "(to inform grid that f4 was handled manually)
14.4. Add the following code when Register_F4_for_Fields is called::
SET HANDLER ref_aplic->handle_on_f4 FOR grid_r.
15. Clear and refresh as follows when you touch the Back button:
CALL METHOD grid_r->refresh_table_display. CALL METHOD grid_r->free. CALL METHOD container_r->free. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
16. Add this code to an ALV to make it invisible:
CALL METHOD inv_grid_r->set_visible( EXPORTING visible = '0' ).
17. To use code to select a row: In lt_lvc_s_roid, pass the row ids.–
lw_lvc_s_roid-row_id = sy-tabix. APPEND lw_lvc_s_roid TO lt_lvc_s_roid. CALL METHOD grid_r->set_selected_rows EXPORTING it_row_no = lt_lvc_s_roid.
18. Add the following code to reset the scroll bar position after using code to select rows:
CALL METHOD grid_r->get_scroll_info_via_id IMPORTING es_row_no = lw_row_no es_row_info = lw_row_info es_col_info = lw_col_info. CALL METHOD grid_r->set_selected_rows EXPORTING it_row_no = lt_lvc_s_roid. CALL METHOD grid_r->set_scroll_info_via_id( EXPORTING is_row_no = lw_row_no is_row_info = lw_row_info is_col_info = lw_col_info ).
19. Display Top-of-Page:
19 The main container must first be divided into two parts in order to display the to-of-page details. One half will be allocated to the GRID, while the other will be used to populate the top header details, as seen below:
* Create TOP-Document CREATE OBJECT g_dyndoc_id EXPORTING style = 'ALV_GRID'. * Create Splitter for custom_container CREATE OBJECT g_splitter EXPORTING parent = g_custom_container rows = 2 columns = 1.
CALL METHOD g_splitter->get_container EXPORTING row = 1 column = 1 RECEIVING container = g_parent_top.
CALL METHOD g_splitter->get_container EXPORTING row = 2 column = 1 RECEIVING container = g_parent_grid.
* Set height for g_parent_html CALL METHOD g_splitter->set_row_height EXPORTING id = 1 height = 20. CREATE OBJECT g_grid EXPORTING i_parent = g_parent_grid EXCEPTIONS error_cntl_create = 1 error_cntl_init = 2 error_cntl_link = 3 error_dp_create = 4 OTHERS = 5.
19.2. Define the handle_top_of_page method as follows in the local class:
METHODS: *Define method to handle Toolbar handle_top_of_page FOR EVENT top_of_page OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_dyndoc_id.
19.3.Specify the method specifics in the class implementation:
METHOD handle_top_of_page. PERFORM f_event_top_of_page USING g_dyndoc_id. ENDMETHOD. "EVENT_HANDLER
19.4. Logic in the Subroutine:
FORM f_event_top_of_page USING dg_dyndoc_id TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document.
DATA: lv_name TYPE lvc_fname, "Name li_t093b TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t093b INITIAL SIZE 0, "T093B temp table lst_t093b TYPE ty_t093b, "T093b wa lv_reptext TYPE reptext, "report Text lv_text TYPE sdydo_text_element. "Final text
* Header1 lv_name = c_header1. PERFORM f_read_text USING lv_name CHANGING lv_reptext. lv_text = lv_reptext. CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->add_text EXPORTING text = lv_text sap_style = cl_dd_area=>heading sap_fontsize = cl_dd_area=>large sap_color = cl_dd_area=>list_heading_int. * Add new-line CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->new_line.
* Header2 WRITE s_budat-low TO g_fdate. WRITE s_budat-high TO g_tdate. lv_name = c_header2. PERFORM f_read_text USING lv_name CHANGING lv_reptext. REPLACE '&G_FDATE&' INTO lv_reptext WITH g_fdate. REPLACE '&G_TDATE&' INTO lv_reptext WITH g_tdate. lv_text = lv_reptext. CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->add_gap. CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->add_text EXPORTING text = lv_text sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading. * Add new-line CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->new_line.
* Header3 lv_name = c_header3. PERFORM f_read_text USING lv_name CHANGING lv_reptext. lv_text = lv_reptext. CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->add_gap. CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->add_text EXPORTING text = lv_text sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading. * Add new-line CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->new_line.
* Header4 lv_name = c_header4. PERFORM f_read_text USING lv_name CHANGING lv_reptext. lv_text = lv_reptext. li_t093b[] = i_t093b[]. SORT li_t093b BY waers. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM li_t093b COMPARING waers. LOOP AT li_t093b INTO lst_t093b. CONCATENATE lv_text lst_t093b-waers INTO lv_text SEPARATED BY space. ENDLOOP. CALL METHOD dg_dyndoc_id->add_gap. CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->add_text EXPORTING text = lv_text sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading.
* Display output PERFORM f_display. ENDFORM. " EVENT_TOP_OF_PAGE
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Subroutine F_DISPLAY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display data *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_display. * Creating html control IF g_html_cntrl IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT g_html_cntrl EXPORTING parent = g_parent_top. ENDIF. CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->merge_document. g_dyndoc_id->html_control = g_html_cntrl. * Display document CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->display_document EXPORTING reuse_control = abap_true parent = g_parent_top EXCEPTIONS html_display_error = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. * Error in displaying top-of-page MESSAGE i023. LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " display
19.5.Write the following code before the method set_table_for_first_display is called: :
SET HANDLER ref_aplic->handle_top_of_page FOR grid_r. CALL METHOD g_dyndoc_id->initialize_document EXPORTING background_color = cl_dd_area=>col_textarea. * Processing events CALL METHOD g_grid->list_processing_events EXPORTING i_event_name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE' i_dyndoc_id = g_dyndoc_id.
A little assistance with data declaration:
g_dyndoc_id TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document, "Object ref for document header g_splitter TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container, "Object ref for splitter g_parent_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "Object ref for grid container g_parent_top TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "Object ref for top container g_html_cntrl TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer, "Object ref for html control g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, "Object ref for custom container i_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat. "Field catalog
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