ABAP for SAP HANA. ALV Report On SAP HANA – Opportunities And Challenges


Let’s dive into the ALV Report On SAP HANA – Opportunities And Challenges. The HANA Tempest has been clearing everybody away. As of September 2017, SAP report guaranteed there were in excess of 1000 Clients currently live on S/4HANA. So tomorrow while possibly not today, all Professionals chipping away at SAP would need to swim through the HANA waters. Reducing the SAP Professionals to ABAPer, who program ALV Reports each and every other week. Have you thought about how fortunate or unfortunate it tends to be to plan an ALV Report in SAP with HANA as Suite as well as Data set? In this article, we would attempt to introduce stories from the two times, preceding HANA and in HANA.ALV Report On SAP HANA – Opportunities And Challenges!

ALV Reports are the Cockroaches of SAP world, which would survive every evolution.

Roots or Establishment or the Beginning point in ALV is same in HANA World as it was before in conventional data set, for example Choice SCREEN. Tragically, we will quite often make a few determinations when we see this. The screen needs to have checkboxes, radio buttons, choice screen blocks and so forth. This is miserable on the grounds that toward one side we see Fiori Platforms have dynamic and beautiful screens with applications upgrading Client Experience (UX) utilizing SAP UI5 and at the opposite end the customary ALV.

Rather cribbing about it, we want to recall that clients (actually) request ALV reports like standard T-Code yield for example ME2N (citing on the grounds that that was the prerequisite I got). Afterall everything isn’t about client experience. Complex business needs likewise get some weight.

Regardless, whether you are attempting to learn Fiori or SAPUI5, ALV reports can’t be supplanted. In this way, likewise begin investigating the new way you can make the ALVs.

How might we make our (ABAPers) lives merry and fascinating? Add HANA in with the general mish-mash and what you get is simpler to code (well not really) and all the more critically more prominent improvement in the exhibition.

The improvement in execution is exclusively credited to one thing that is the idea called “Code Push Down” or “Code to Information (Data set) Worldview”. Heard it anyplace? Try not to say No. We are at the twentieth part in our HANA ABAP Series.

What is Code Push Down? (ALV Report On SAP HANA – Opportunities And Challenges)

Here we have a tipping point. One can go for the strategy for utilizing Discs View alongside AMDP (if vital) or go with IDA. Utilizing IDA is much more straightforward than AMDP, yet possibly one can’t be a swap for the other. They play their own parts to play. In the following article, I will cover the distinctions and benefits of IDA against Albums.

Prior to looking down it would be smart to discover somewhat more about AMDP (ABAP Oversaw Data set System) and IDA (Coordinated Information Access).

So for ALV in HANA, we have the accompanying:

  1. Selection Screen
  2. Data is ready in CDS +/- AMDP

What next? Just connect them.

3. Applying selection screen criteria into CDS view entries.

The third step is a piece precarious. We again have various open doors here.

3.1 Either pass all the determination screen channels into AMDP ( NOT Compact discs View as a result of the way that Cds Perspectives are defined and can’t take more than one incentive for a solitary field and choice screen of the ALV report has select choices which are in range tables)


3.2 Get every one of the passages from Compact discs View into your Application Layer and afterward continue with regular coding practice.

At this point, experienced ABAPers would agree that that first methodology (AMDP) would do every one of the positive qualities regarding execution.

Now we have narrowed down to:

  1. Choice Screen
  2. Information is prepared in Discs +/ – AMDP
  3. Applying choice screen measures into Discs view sections utilizing AMDP and bringing just required passages into AS layer and continuing with regular SALV manufacturing plant class utilizing Oh no.

Technical Points:

  1. Conversion of SELECT-OPTIONS into Dynamic “WHERE CLAUSE”: When the standard determination screen is constructed, the main obstacle is incorporate the select choices into AMDP. To accomplish that we have the accompanying code piece:
DATA(lv_where) = cl_shdb_seltab=>combine_seltabs(
it_named_seltabs = VALUE #(
( name = 'MATNR' dref = REF #( so_matnr[] ) )
( name = 'EBELN' dref = REF #( so_ebeln[] ) )
) ).

Trust you can grasp the above code. Else, the beneath elective for a similar activity can assist you with bettering.

it_named_seltabs = VALUE #(
( name = 'MATNR' dref = REF #( so_matnr[] ) )
( name = 'EBELN' dref = REF #( so_ebeln[] ) )
rv_where = DATA(lv_where) ).

2. Using Dynamic where clause in AMDP: The following test is to utilize the where condition. There is an element in SAP AS 7.40 and higher of “APPLY Channel”. The lv_where statement worked above is passed to AMDP technique boundary ip_filters.

Conclusion: ALV Report On SAP HANA – Opportunities And Challenges

Making the most of HANA DB and HANA instruments like HANA Studio we enjoy following benefits ( opportunity ):

  1. Further developed Execution since there is Code Push Down and larger part of the Information bringing is finished at HANA DB alongside collections/total/midpoints.
  2. On the Fly powerful custom naming of the Result Fields in ALV [can be finished utilizing CDS].
  3. Dynamic SELECT questions in AMDP in light of the information given by Client and content put away in the DB [e.g. Assuming that in DB we have fields City and Country, we can utilize the CASE articulation to finish up assuming that input city given by the client is the capital or not].
  4. Dispose of FOR ALL Sections. [Use Internal Joins instead]. Did we simply get into another sticky situation?
  5. Can be extremely powerful for External Participate in situations where we really want to skirt the field esteems that are available in one table however NOT in other.

The opposite side of the story, challenges:

  • At the point when we go with Discs Perspectives to extricate information into AS layer, then, at that point, there might be still some presentation issues (despite the fact that Cds relics would in any case give great exhibitions, still some unacceptable utilization of Cds can blow up).

Kindly trust that the following article will get a brief look at the genuine code to exhibit all the abovementioned and IDA. Along these lines, if it’s not too much trouble, remain tuned and get yourself HANA-tized.

Now we want to hear from you.

Kindly leave your input, stories and speedy remarks beneath.


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