ALV consistency check. I actually recollect, when one of my leader did a survey of my most memorable deliverable in ALV report; it was over in 1 moment. He came and clicked something and showed the irregularities in my report. Requested that I fix them and get back to him for the audit. I was so astounded. I gave my earnest exertion for over seven days for the turn of events and somebody tracked down issues in it in 1 minute or less. Huh!!!
There we had leads like him who showed us how to fish. My lead believed me should discover that stunt forever. He maintained that me should get the issue settled and ask him, how he sorted it out? I did according to his arrangement. He was glad to share that squeezing Movement + RIGHT Double tap on a region in the ALV Matrix Control in which no table lines are shown (scroll right or base to find the compartment space) would get the job done.

Execute your report. Look down or right to discover some unfilled space in the holder. The regions set apart with stars above are your place to keep your cursor. At the same time press SHIFT and Double tap your right mouse button. Check, the irregularities. You wouldn’t believe how canny this basic consistency check is. It would get many issues which we would miss if we somehow managed to physically check the code.
Commonly, that’s what engineer feel assuming the report is shown effectively, they are great. Assuming your report is simply to show, you may be fine. Be that as it may, assuming you have some activity in your report, for example, drill down or exchange call or some other activity. Your report could dump in some situation at run time. One of our report used to dump underway framework for just a few specific obscure cases and we couldn’t reproduce it. SHIFT + Double tap got the job done. It pin-pointed the issue which we believed was great to overlook.

The above report yield looks great. Be that as it may, see the irregularity. It looks minor yet it isn’t right. The field name is ‘MATNR’ however designer has wrongly named it in the field list as ‘MATERIAL’. Right the field index and your consistency really take a look at passes.

See one more illustration of the irregularity report.

Companions, this is a basic stunt and has been referenced in each other ABAP discussion. Yet, when you come for a survey, you find your young weapons having issues in their reports. We advance by sharing. Pass this straightforward data to your young companions and I’m certain, they would see the value in it.
Refreshed April seventh 2016: One more simple choice to check the consistency of an ALV yield. On account of Naimesh for his post.
On the ALV yield report, type “&SOS” at the order region on top.
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