OData and SAP Netweaver Gateway. Section XII. Managing Media with OData Gateways

Media Handling using OData

SAP Netweaver Gateway , The dilemma (difficulty/confusion) associated with managing media via gateway services has been resolved. You can transmit photos or audio over the gateway or display PDFs if necessary with ease. Even though there are a ton of Smartform printing needs these days, there are extremely few options to pass image or sound files. A decent understanding of the specifics of managing PDF printing in the gateway should be provided by this article.

Managing Media using OData-Gateways


Step 1: Establish a Media Information Handling Organization

Make a gateway project (for information on how to create a project and what to do next, see the previous blogs). Establish a distinct organization to manage the media efforts. Remember to check the box labeled “Media,” as this designates the entity as media.

music in SAP
In figure ‘SoPrint’ entity is marked as Media.

See Also: Using UI5 Application Media Queries

Produce the runtime artifacts in step two.

Produce the project’s runtime artifacts. The Data Provider Class and the Model Provider Class contain all of the necessary methods. Recall that, in contrast to previous CRUD operations, we will begin this development with the Model Provider Class. Let’s begin by talking about our growth.

Step 3: Utilize MPC Code

We need to make some adjustments in MPC_EXT in order for our media entity type to function. Media is a model attribute, hence the DEFINE method in MPC_EXT needs to be specifically redefined.

media files in odata

The explanation of basic method coding follows. As you may recall, writing the sentence super->define() is crucial; without it, we would not be able to access the model object. We want to collaborate with the entity “SoPrint” from the MPC. I need the “OrderNo” property of the “SoPrint” attribute in order to fulfill my request. The set_as_content_type() method must be used to set the attribute as content type.

technique DEFINE.

DATA: kind of propertyref = iwbep / if_mgw_odata_property



iv_entity_name = ‘SoPrint’; lo_entity_type = model->get_entity_type.

should lo_entity_type be constrained.
the property of lo = the entity type of lo -> get_property(‘OrderNo’).
set as content type(lo_property)( ).

endif. endmethod.

Step 4: Make a Print-Ready Smartform

Let’s develop a Smartform that will just display a Smartform with some text before we go ahead and code in the DPC_EXT. It goes without saying that you will have a custom Smartform with intricate importing parameters and business logic. Our basic Smartform appears as follows.

Additionally Verify: Using annotations, expose CDS views as OData services

Step 5: Use DPC_EXT code

To manage the GET media operation, we have a different method in DPC_EXT called /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_STREAM. Since visitors of this site are more skilled at coding than I am, I am aware that there is no need to replicate the code for them.


DATA: ls_key_tab, ls_stream, lv_so_id, lv_type_id, lvbep, s_mgw_name_value_pair, and lv_stream, type_ty_s_media_resource.

DATA: lv_fname              type rs38l_fnam, ls_control_parameters type ssfctrlop, ls_output_options     type ssfcompop, lv_device_type        type rspoptype, bin_pdfx              type xstring, ls_otf_data           type ssfcrescl.
DATA: lt_otf, lt_lines, t_otf_from_fm, ssfcrescl, type: standard table of itcoo.

* The order number can be entered into the Smartform to create an order-related Smartform called READ TABLE it_key_tab that is entered into ls_key_tab with the key name equal to "Order No."* Receive the orderWe will prepare the string data for the PDF lv_so_id = ls_key_tab-value for this sales order.* Dial the smart form to obtain the name of the smart form. Since *the Smartform I am using is a generic one, I have not passed the order.Call Function "SSF Function Module Name" Exporting Form Name = "ZTest61" Importing FM Name = "lv_fname"* Set up the control parameter.= 'LOCL' for ls_output_options-tddest.It is ls_output_options-xdfcmode = abap_true."ls_output_options-xsfcmode" = "abap_true".It is ls_output_options-tdnewid = abap_true.It is ls_output_options-tdimmed = abap_true.No dialog in ls_control_parameters = abap_true.Space is equal to ls_control_parameters-preview and ABAP_true to ls_control_parameters-getotf. It is crucial to obtain OTF data.* Make use of the smartforms function module.Function Call (lv_fname)EXPORTING OUTPUT_OPTIONS = ls_output_options CONTROL_PARAMETERS = ls_control_parametersImporting Job Output Information = t_otf_from_fmANOMASTING formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3
* Convert OTF to xString
FORMAT                      = 'PDF'
BIN_FILE                    = bin_pdfx
OTF                        = lt_otf
LINES                      = lt_lines
ERR_MAX_LINEWIDTH           = 1
ERR_FORMAT                  = 2
ERR_BAD_OTF                 = 4
OTHERS                      = 5.

  • Send an xstring value
    ls_stream-mime_type = ‘application/pdf’ and ls_stream-value = bin_pdfx.
  • Copy_data_to_ref(exporting_is_data = ls_stream changing_cr_data = er_stream) should be used.


And voilà! Now that you have completed the necessary coding, you should be prepared to test the solution.

URI: $value /sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZDEMO_GW_SRV/SoPrintSet(“)/

Note: Any order number can be passed in using either the attribute keys you used or the SoPrintSet attribute.

smartform in odata
Save or print the Smartform!

Print or save the Smartform!

See Also: Build your first SAP HANA program.

Daily tip

You may experience blank JOB_OUTPUT_INFO in the Smartform calling function module while using the DPC_EXT programming, meaning that t_otf_from_fm will be blank.I had this issue firsthand, and after trying a good number of solutions, I discovered that the real problem was related to my SAP account’s DEFAULT output device configuration.You won’t see any values in the JOB_OUTPUT_INFO table if you don’t have any output devices configured in your account (this can be verified using the SU3 transaction).

Passing ls_control_parameters–getotf = abap_true is also crucial in order to obtain the output in other text formats.


Conclusion: Managing Media with OData Gateways

In summary, integrating OData with SAP NetWeaver Gateway offers a robust and flexible approach to managing media in enterprise environments. By leveraging OData services, organizations can seamlessly expose, access, and manipulate multimedia content, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their media management processes.

Through the use of SAP NetWeaver Gateway, businesses can create a streamlined and user-friendly interface for media interactions, ensuring that stakeholders have quick and reliable access to critical media assets. The ability to integrate these services with other SAP modules and external .

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