The Application Log can be created using several function modules. Below is a code snippet with a collection of all the function modules to write application log entries. Simply pass the object and sub-object along with the log message, and by calling the code below, the application log will be written successfully.
Item and Sub-object is to be made utilizing T-code SLG0 and the application log composed can be view utilizing T-code SLG1.
FUNCTION z_o_write_application_log. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(OBJECT) LIKE BALHDR-OBJECT *" VALUE(SUBOBJECT) LIKE BALHDR-SUBOBJECT *" TABLES *" MESSAGES STRUCTURE BALMI * Local Internal Table Declaration DATA: li_lognum TYPE TABLE OF balnri. * Local Work-Area Declaration DATA: lk_log_handle TYPE balloghndl, " Log handle lk_log_number TYPE balognr, " Log Number lk_header TYPE balhdri, " Log header lk_lognum TYPE balnri. " Log number * Populating header details lk_header-object = object. " Object lk_header-subobject = subobject. " SubObject lk_header-aluser = sy-uname. " User lk_header-aldate = sy-datum. " Date lk_header-altime = sy-uzeit. " Time lk_header-altcode = sy-tcode. " Tcode lk_header-alprog = sy-repid. " Program * Get the Log handle using the header CALL FUNCTION 'APPL_LOG_WRITE_HEADER' EXPORTING header = lk_header IMPORTING e_log_handle = lk_log_handle EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 subobject_not_found = 2 error = 3 OTHERS = 4. * Sy-subrc check not required. * Get the next avaliable Log number CALL FUNCTION 'BAL_DB_LOGNUMBER_GET' EXPORTING i_client = sy-mandt i_log_handle = lk_log_handle IMPORTING e_lognumber = lk_log_number EXCEPTIONS log_not_found = 1 lognumber_already_exists = 2 numbering_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. * Sy-subrc check not required. * Write the Log mesages to the memory CALL FUNCTION 'APPL_LOG_WRITE_MESSAGES' EXPORTING object = object subobject = subobject log_handle = lk_log_handle TABLES messages = messages EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 subobject_not_found = 2 OTHERS = 3. * Sy-subrc check not required. lk_lognum-object = object. " Object lk_lognum-subobject = subobject. " SubObject lk_lognum-lognumber = lk_log_number. " Log number APPEND lk_lognum TO li_lognum. CLEAR lk_lognum. * Write the log message to Database which can be later analyzed * from transaction SLG1 CALL FUNCTION 'APPL_LOG_WRITE_DB' EXPORTING object = object subobject = subobject log_handle = lk_log_handle TABLES object_with_lognumber = li_lognum EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 subobject_not_found = 2 internal_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. * Sy-subrc check not required. ENDFUNCTION.
If it’s not too much trouble, note: There are additionally different FMs like ‘BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD’, ‘BAL_DB_SAVE’ and so on to compose application log. SAP upholds every one of the FMs referenced here.
The custom capability module bit composed above is only for simple reference for the designers.
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Transport ABAP Report Variants into a Work Bench Request